


(1) Use of IR information

The purpose of the IR information posted on the Timee website is to provide financial information, management indicators, etc. The Company does not make any representations or warranties regarding this content. In addition, the posting of information to the Timee website is not for the purpose of soliciting investments. When making an actual investment, refrain from making investment decisions based solely on the information on this website, and make investment decisions based on your own discretion.

(2) Posted information

Regarding the content of the Timee website, the Company takes all possible measures when posting the information. However, in the event that the posted information is erroneous or the data is falsified by a third party, or should failure and damage occur due to the downloading of this data, the Company does not assume any responsibility.

(3) Outlook

The earnings forecasts, plans, strategies and other data posted to the Timee website are forward-looking statements as they were decided by management of the Company in accordance with currently available information, and contain risks and uncertainties. Also, the actual earnings may differ from the earnings forecasts due to various important factors, including economic circumstances and market trends that surround the Company’s business.

(4) Operation and management of the Timee website

Information posted to the Timee website may change or be deleted without prior notice. Moreover, there are cases where the Timee website cannot be normally used due to the communication environment (connection), the condition of a customer’s computer, or other factors. Note that Timee is not responsible for any trouble, loss, or damage due to the aforementioned factors.

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