


A. Timee was first established in August 2017 under the name Recolle in Kunitachi City, Tokyo. In June 2018, the Company name was changed to Timee, Inc. In August of the same year, the Company started supplying “Timee,” the on-demand platform. In February 2023, the head office was relocated to its current location in Higashi-shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo.

A. On July 26, 2024, we listed our stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Growth Market.

A. Our stock code is 215A.

A. Timee closes its fiscal year at the end of October. The announcement of financial results is made in December. Please see the IR calendar for quarterly financial results announcement.

A. See “financial statements” or “securities reports” which are posted to our website.

A. The shareholder finalization date for the fiscal year-end dividend is October 31. The shareholder finalization date is April 30 for interim dividend payments.

A. 100 shares. *One (1) lot indicates the trading unit for Timee shares.

A. For procedures related to our stock, please ask at the securities company where you opened your trading account.

A. The ordinary general meeting of shareholders is held in late January of each year. Regarding the date, the venue and other matters, shareholders, registered as of October 31, will be informed in early January.

A. A convocation notice for the general meeting of shareholders and a voting form for exercising voting rights will be sent to shareholders named on the shareholder registry current as of the end of the general meeting of shareholders record date (in the event of an ordinary general meeting of shareholders, as of October 31). To exercise voting rights,
(1) Bring the voting form to and submit at the general shareholders meeting
(2) Indicate “aye” or “nay” on the voting form and return to Timee either of the above methods can be used.

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